Tony Blair presents BSI Information Security Award to Metromail in a global first for UK

Press release - 9 May 2003

"Information Security is a Business Imperative", says Prime Minister

Today, Tony Blair presented the BS 7799 (Information Security Standard) to MetroMail, one of the UK's biggest mailing houses and the first in the world to be awarded BS 7799.

Speaking at the launch, the Prime Minister said, "BS 7799 is a British innovation, developed by BSI, and now adopted worldwide as the internationally recognised information security benchmark for companies and organisations.

"In the Internet age, protecting data, now moved around the globe at the press of a button, is becoming a business imperative.

"Companies are also required to protect the personal information of its customers and this Standard provides the practical way for them to do so.

"Information Security is as much about competitive advantage as it is protection of information, and it is very welcome to see MetroMail and BSI leading the way on this."

Developed by BSI, BS 7799 is the internationally recognised standard for information security management. Both the DTI and MI5 promote the use of BS 7799 and were involved in its development from the start.

Nick Moy of BSI, added "Information is the lifeblood of all organisations. With the threats to share price and organisational reputation, protecting information has never been more important.

"The BS 7799 Standard is about a comprehensive system for protecting information from 'Business Continuity Management' which ensures that companies can function in the event of a major catastrophe like 9/11, to bugging and bin-sifting. It encompasses people, physical environment, communications systems, processes and IT systems."